Wednesday, May 3, 2017

More SOTMK illustrations

The last SOTMK comic story was incomprehensible enough, but this one manages to be more incomprehensible and a cringe-worthy quasi-romance fanfic at the same time. Accordingly, the illustrations got a lot weirder, though not as weird as these would be.

Arthur's original post can be found here: The Meeting of Abe and Mimi (see second section of post)

[Abe] goes to a log cabin that is perpetually leaning left, he knocks...

...and Mimi answers. She asks if he brought any friends.

He and her talk, and he hides under a couch that looks like a coffin.

Mimi yells at him and stabs him through the crotch with a surfboard, then pins him to a tree.

He comes back inside. Mimi hides his body under the couch.

Sean knocks on the door, and Mimi closes it in his face before she even opens it. That takes skill!

Sean blows up the door and flies in. He kills Mimi, and she punches him out the door.

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