Friday, April 21, 2017

Eh, I had nothing better to do (SOTMK illustrations)

Hey look, a new post! It's even more useless than the old posts, but that's excusable. This is the Internet, after all.

Last year I drew up some illustrations based on Arthur Borglestein's descriptions of his horrid old SOTMK "comics". As with the originals (which will never get anywhere near the Internet, Arthur wouldn't permit it), these drawings are pretty amusing (hopefully).

Arthur's original post can be found here.

So there's a cube with a combover. Abe is a stick figure and his arm is ten feet long. He knocks on the door.

[Sean's] home is a white void. They sat on black letter 'L's, and talked about how Peach is having a party. Sean wanted to come.

There is a big demon holding signs on a rock.

He flies off and laughs. SWAP! POW!  A rabbit shoots lasers from its ear and destroys the rock.

A wormhole opens and leads to Peach's castle. Abe and Sean are just in time!
A second comic description, this one of a story called "The Meeting of Abe and Mimi", was also included in the post, and I've partially illustrated that one too. Stay tuned for more*!

*Remember, this is Seanathan's Yarns. Be prepared for a long, long, wait.